*****************************Patch.txt**************************** ATF Patch v1.14 ****************************************************************** Table of Contents I. Letter from EA II. Installation Instructions III. Changes and Additions IV. Strategies and Tactics V. Troubleshooting VI. Product Support Information ****************************************************************** I. LETTER FROM EA Thank you for obtaining the Jane's Combat Simulations - Advanced Tactical Fighters v1.14 Patch. We hope you enjoy the improvements we've made to the product. With requests gathered from online boards, Customer Service and internal feedback, we put together a list of enhancements described below. Additional features and enhancements are planned to be released in future add-on products: NATO Fighters (ATF Data Disk), and USNF '97. Please stay tuned. We addressed the KALI connection problems by reducing the size of the packets sent across the network. However, testing showed that packet delivery proved to be inconsistent, and connections failed after 6-10 minutes of play time. We investigated the modem difficulties some customers have reported, specifically USRobotics unable to connect at greater than 9600 bps. Here's what our testing has found: US Robotics Modems: - USR Sportster 14.4 V.32bis internal FAX/MODEM call/receive at 14.4 - USR Sportster 14.4 V.32bis external FAX/MODEM call/receive at 9600 - USR Sportster 28.8 V.34 external FAX/MODEM call/receive at 19.2 - USR Courier 28.8 V.34 external FAX/MODEM call/receive at 19.2 - USR Courier Dual Standard 28.8 V.34 external FAX/MODEM call/receive at 19.2. Init String AT &F &A0 &K0 &B1 &M0 &H1 X4 Definitions: - &F Loads factory defaults (newer modems can use &F1 for defaults with Hardware Flow Control) - &A0 Disables ARQ modes - &B1 Fixed serial port rate - &M0 Disables error control - &H1 Forces Hardware Flow Control - X4 Generic result codes (reports a RING, BUSY, NO DIALTONE etc..). We've concluded that much additional work would be involved to redesign the modem handshaking routine, and in the process, this may result in breaking connectivity for customers who already experience successful connections with their modems and ATF. We believe that the ATF Patch should be delayed no longer. We will addressed the modem issue in future releases. Steve Matulac Associate Producer Jane's Combat Simulations Electronic Arts ****************************************************************** II. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS You should have the following files present after running the self extracting executable ATF_114.exe: PATCH.RTP PATCH.EXE PATCH.TXT PATCH.BAT To install the patch, type the following: 1. Type "copy patch*.* c:\" -- You should see a message reading "4 files copied" 2. Change to your ATF directory by typing: -- "cd\" press enter -- "cd " press enter 3. Once in the ATF directory, type "patch.bat" and press enter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! This procedure could take up to 30 minutes. !! !! Your system may also appear to be locked up upwards to !! !! 5 minutes during this process... !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4. When the patch is finished installing itself, you should see a message saying: -- "Total File Patches Processed ....( 17)" 5. The patch is now installed, run ATF as normal. ****************************************************************** III. Changes and Additions TECHNICAL - ATF now works with IRQ 10. - The joystick hat may now be used to "Slew View" or "Thrust Vector". -- To select the option hit ESC in-flight, choose Control, and then choose Hat. - ATF now natively supports the MS Sidewinder Pro. -- To calibrate the joystick, hit ESC in-flight, choose Control, then choose Stick, and then choose MS SideWinder 3D Pro. -- Button map for the MS SideWinder Pro: --- Hat: Slew view/Vector Thrust --- Trigger: Fires guns --- Top Button: Fires selected weapon --- Top Side: Cycles through visual targets --- Bottom Side: Cycles through weapons --- Twist Right: Rudder right --- Twist Left: Rudder left --- Slider: Throttle control --- 4 Base Buttons: Nothing - ATF now has updated support for the Gravis Ultrasound card. - ATF now supports the Matrox Millennium video card in 800x600 resolution. ORDNANCE - The weapons' performance have been improved and made more realistic. (see the Strategies and Tactics section for specific information) -- Gun accuracy for the SU-27 and MiG-29 has been drastically improved. -- The AIM 120 has received a major overhaul, and is much more effective because of it. -- The AGM-84 SLAMS and HARPOONS cannot target aircraft. -- The AEMP now has the ability to permanently damage effects your aircraft's avionics. AIRCRAFT - You can now fly all the aircraft in single player mode by selecting the AIRCRAFT menu option in Quick Mission, and picking FLY ALL. - The HUDs for certain planes have been improved to reflect their real-life equivalents. - Aircraft loadouts have been updated. - Aircraft art is enhanced. Landing gear has been added to almost all aircraft now. - Aircraft performance has been improved for added realism. - Aircraft now require more realistic takeoff time and distance. INSTRUMENTATION - The IR targeting has been improved to detect more objects. - There is now a separate Air-to-Ground radar (accessible by hitting CTRL-R) that will only detect objects with a speed under 90 knots. The Air-to-Air radar is unchanged. PRO MISSION CREATOR - To save a mission that is composed of "non-player" aircraft, those without the *** next to them, you must: -- Select the AIRCRAFT menu option and choose "FLY ALL" -- Now select the icon for the aircraft you want to be designated as a player aircraft -- Finally, click on the COMPUTER/HUMAN toggle button until it says human, and save the mission - Zoom feature has been enhanced. - There are more wings available for aircraft. - You can set time limits and number of respawns in created missions built for multi-play. This can be set in the MULTIPLAYER menu of the Pro Mission Creator. - You can now add vehicles to a group, much like aircraft in a wing. To do this click on the object you wish to group, then select the OBJECT menu option, then select ADD TO GROUP, and then select the group color you want to use. - There is now a 3D view for more exact placement of items in your missions. The key map for 3D view is as follows: -- 3: Places you in 3D view mode (must have object selected) -- 1: Escape 3D view mode -- CTRL S: Slew mode (to manipulate the object) -- ESC: Escape slew mode -- INS: x2 distance -- DEL: 1/2 distance -- Arrow Keys: move left, right, up, down -- PGUP: Increase altitude (aircraft only) -- PGDN: Decrease altitude (aircraft only) ****************************************************************** MULTI-PLAY - There is now a switch to enable/disable CTRL-Z,X,A in multiplay mode by selecting the MULTI menu option and adding/removing the check next to ALLOW FIND-NEAREST KEYS. - Reduce Bullet Accuracy has more resolution. Check the Multi Menu inflight. OTHER GOODIES - The Longbow ad which comes up after you exit the game stops running after 5 plays. - You can now hit ESC to bypass the introductory movie. - The effects of turbulance has been lowered when flying close to the ground. - A command has been added which tells your wingman to "Fire at 'Contact'". ALT-F is the keystroke for this command. - A difficulty switch has been added which reduces the abilities of enemy pilots. This selction can be made in-flight by hitting ESC to access the in-flight menu; choose "Cheat", then down to "Enemy AI?" where you can select Novice, Average, or Unchanged (default). - An option has been added in the in-flight cheat menu called "Easy Targeting". -- When it is checked, the target designator box remains on the screen whenever your targeted enemy is in front of you. When the targeted enemy is off screen, the "XX" tracking indicator appears around the edges of the screen. -- When it is unchecked, the target designator only appears within the HUD area, there is no tracking indicator, and your SHIFT-4 VDU will not be displayed until the object is in visual range. -- This option defaults to off, but you can turn it on and it will not effect the awarding of medals and promotions. ****************************************************************** IV. STRATEGIES & TACTICS Due to the increased weapon effectivness and enemy AI, we offer the following tips for improving your chances of success. The increased realism of the cannon used by the MiG-29 and Su-27 series fighters have resulted in a higher degree of difficulty when maneveuring in close-in dogfights. It has been changed to model the incredible accuracy of the Gsh-301, which is laser ranged. It also models the longer range of the 30MM projectiles which allows the enemy to hit your aircraft far earlier than you can hit theirs during head-on cannon passes. To counter this new threat, you might consider utilizing the following Air Combat Maneuvering tactics. - Try to take out these fighters with missles first. The AIM-120 missles have been upgraded, so take advantage of them. - Use your wingman's missles. Consult the manual for wingman commands. - If you are forced to close because you are out of missles, use the ALT-W command to have your wingman attack all fighters. - Consider running if your mission allows. The enemy may run out of fuel (be careful of your own status). - Lure the enemy over friendly AAA, SAM sites, or armed ships. - Avoid a zero degree deflection (pure head to head) pass. You will have to force them into a turning fight. While approaching the enemy fighters, keep them at your 10 or 2 o'clock. - Barrel-rolls while approaching also help avoid enemy cannon fire. - Remember that Air-to-Air missles now have minimum ranges (RMin), so slow down when approaching to increase the time available to fire your missles. RMin for most radar-guided missles is 2 miles, for IR missles it is just under 1/2 mile. ****************************************************************** V. TROUBLESHOOTING I HAVE A GRAVIS ULTRASOUND SOUND CARD AND CHOSE THAT OPTION, BUT I AM STILL GETTING NO SOUND. WHAT DO I DO? - Download the Megaem driver v. 3.01 from Gravis -- FTP site= ftp://ftp.gravis.com -- HTTP site= Http://www.gravis.com - Type "cd\ press enter - Type "del ea.cfg" press enter - Type "cd\" press enter - Type "megaem.exe" press enter - Type "cd\" press enter - Type "atf" press enter - Select your settings as usual for your system I HAVE A WAVEBLASTER DAUGHTERCARD IN MY SYSTEM, AND I AM GETTING NO MUSIC CHOICES. WHAT DO I DO? - Rename the 4B.LIB file in the ATF directory, to 4B.OLD. Then rerun the game. You should now get all of the music choices. ****************************************************************** VI. PRODUCT SUPPORT If you have any problems contact us at: ORIGIN Phone Tech Support: (512) 434-HELP -- HOURS: (Central Standard Time) 9:00 AM-12:45 and 2:00-4:45 M-T 9:00 AM-12:45 and 2:00-3:45 F EA Phone Tech Support: (415) 572-2787 -- HOURS: (Pacific Standard Time) 8:30 AM-4:30 M-F ORIGIN FAX Tech Support: (512) 795-8014 ORIGIN BBS Tech Support: (512) 346-2BBS (14.4 kBaud @ 8,N,1) ORIGIN Internet Tech Support: support@origin.ea.com ORIGIN Internet FTP Site: ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/patches ORIGIN Web Site: http://www.origin.ea.com/origin/english.html ORIGIN Tech Support Mailing Address: ORIGIN Systems C/O Customer Service 5918 West Courtyard Drive Austin, TX 78730-5036 <>